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In 2017, Ted Davis, William Brisson, John Szoka, Jon Hardister, Stephen Ross, Larry Pittman, John Bradford, and Mike Clampitt all voted for the 2017 Republican Budget which included a “surprise” $10 Million cut to the Attorney General’s Office. Additionally, the budget involved "very specific targets,” directed at the criminal section of the Department of Justice, which handles criminal appeals in North Carolina. These egregious cuts resulted in fewer attorneys to keep criminals behind bars and assist local law enforcement. The North Carolina Sheriff’s Association, North Carolina Association of Chief of Police, and the Conference of District Attorneys all spoke publicly against the cuts. 


By participating in this purely partisan action, a reaction to the election of Democrat Josh Stein as Attorney General, Ted Davis, William Brisson, John Szoka, Jon Hardister, Stephen Ross, Larry Pittman, John Bradford, and Mike Clampitt took important resources from our law enforcement and put North Carolinians safety at risk. 

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